Posted in Generation 3

3.2 School Troubles

Welcome back to the Holt Legacy! Last time Ontario was conflicted and trying to figure out if he was going to stay on Earth or go to Sixam, after an alien showed up to collect him, Ontario ended up deciding to stay. He then proposed and got married to his girlfriend Liliana. Alberta aged up and moved out while Nova Scotia became a teen.


It was the middle of the night when I got a text from Annie. She said she was in trouble and needed help.

I know I might get caught breaking curfew, but Annie said she really needs my help!

It’s pouring rain when I arrive at the park where Annie is supposed to meet me.

She’s not here yet so I wait. And wait. And wait.

Eventually I sent her a text message asking if she was alright and if she was going to be here soon. She didn’t respond.

I’m exhausted and hungry, but Annie said she really needed my help. She could show up any minute, or maybe she’s stuck somewhere!

As the sun rose in sky I knew my parents would be looking for me. I sent Annie a text saying that I was going home and to let me know when she gets here so I can help.

Nova Scotia: “Where were you? You were gone all night! Mom and Dad may not have notice, but I sure did.”

Yukon: “You know Annie from school, we’ve become friends and she asked me for help! I went to the location she said we were going to meet up, but she didn’t show up. I’m really worried something happened to her!”
Nova Scotia: “Yeah, I know Annie. She was using you! Trying to get you in trouble, she tricked you!”
Yukon: “Annie’s my friend, she wouldn’t do that!”


Yukon may not know when people have it out for him, but I certainly do, and Miss Perfect Popular Annie has a reputation for doing this kind of crap to the less popular kids like my brother. It didn’t take long for me to figure out where she lived.

Nova Scotia: “Look, I’ve had enough of your games! You are going to leave Yukon alone!”

Nova Scotia: “If you try anything like this again, I’ll make sure everyone knows just what a manipulative bitch and loser you are!”

Annie: “As if anyone would listen to you! You’re all a bunch of nobodies, even that pathetic older brother of yours, who apparently needs his little sister to fight his battles!”

Nova Scotia: “You have no idea the kind of connections my Dad has, or just what my family is capable of! You and your cronies are going to leave Yukon alone, or you are going to find out exactly what I’m capable of!”

Annie: “Please, you’re all talk! I’m not scared of you.”

Nova Scotia: “Fine. I warned you bitch!”

Nova Scotia: “You and your cronies are going to leave Yukon alone or do I have to repeat myself again!”

Annie: “What is your problem!?”

Annie: “You’re insane! I’m calling the cops!”

Nova Scotia: “I’d like to see you try!”

Nova Scotia: “Don’t worry I can show myself out!”

Apparently Annie had already spread what she had done all over school, and everyone thought that Yukon waiting alone in the rain all night was hilarious. Many of them said it was a shame the cops didn’t catch him. Yukon spent the entire lunch period hiding in the bathroom, I think he was more upset that Annie wasn’t really his friend than anything else.


It’s always such a surprise to see how fast these kids grow up. It seems like only yesterday that Nunavut was a sweet little baby.

And now she’s ready to move out on her own.

The babies of the family are even becoming teenagers!

I can’t believe how fast everyone is growing.

I had finished reading through all of the books Vita had published, so Will and I met up to discuss it.
Will: “I’m still trying to track down the owner of the boat, it’s proving more difficult than expected. What have you found in Vita’s books?”

Bernard: “Not much I’m afraid. She was definitely tasked with watching me and sticking close. I think it may not just have been because of my connection to you though, she has apparently taken some of my hair, saliva, and other stuff and given it to them! How could I not have seen what she was up too?”

Will: “You weren’t looking for it. At the time neither of us new just how big this mess was!”
Bernard: “I guess, but I still feel so used!”

Bernard: “You’ve always been better at analyzing things, so maybe you’ll see something I missed.”
Will: “Alright, I’ll give look through her books as well. I’m stuck waiting on my contacts for another lead on the boat anyway.”

Bernard: “Do you smell something?”
Will: “It’s a dump, of course it stinks!”

Bernard: “It’s not trash, it’s something else!”
Will: “This is a dump Bernard, stop rooting through the garbage!”
Bernard: “Um. I found something.”
Will: “What?!”
Bernard: “I. I think it’s another body.”

Will: “Well shit. Yeah, it looks an awful like all the others… FUCK.”
Bernard: “What is it?”

Will: “The body may have been mangled, but it still had all of it’s teeth. Look at them!”
Bernard: “Those aren’t vampire teeth…”
Will: “They’re werewolf fangs!”

Bernard: “Shit. That means there’s going to be a council meeting isn’t there?”
Will: “It may take some time to get it all organized, but yeah. I’ve been trying to get the council to meet to discuss this for years! But everyone kept saying it was a vampire problem, so it should be left to vampires. Maybe now it’s not just vampires they’ll actually listen.”
Bernard: “I hate council meetings, there’s always so much pointless bickering.”
Will: “At least they can’t deny that there’s a problem now.”

I arrived back at the house and everyone was just continuing on as normal, unaware of all the mess that is going on.

Ontario’s wife Liliana even celebrated a birthday.

I’m glad to see the two of them so happy.


I was at school when a girl approached me.
Cecilia: “Hi! I’m Cecilia, I noticed that you don’t really have any friends, and I don’t either so I thought we could be friends!”

Cecilia: “I get bullied by a lot of the popular kids, they call me things like werido and man-face. It’s not my fault I have a uniquely shaped face!”

Yukon: “I don’t think your face looks like a man’s, and I get bullied too! People are kind of hard sometimes.”

Cecilia: “I know right! They get so offended by things I say sometimes, but I never mean anything by it. I just think everyone should be a bit more socially pro-active, there are lots of problems facing the world, but no one seems to want to do anything about it!”

Yukon: “I just think people like to ignore their problems. People seem to think I’m a weird for believing in ghosts, and they call me childish, but there’s tons of evidence for them! Not to mention countless eye-witness accounts!”

Cecilia: “Can’t say I’ve ever thought much about ghosts, but it makes sense that something comes after death, why not ghosts?”

Cecilia: “Hey! Prom is coming up, the two of us should go together!”

Yukon: “Really? I’d love too!”

I was so happy to find someone who actually wanted to be my friend, when I came home I found Bernard in the middle of making an ice sculptor of Liliana.

It’s a bit odd, but apparently Liliana and Ontario were thrilled and now it is displayed next to the hot tub.

Our family has a bunch of gnomes kicking around, and no one seems to believe me when I say they move on their own! Mom even found one in the laundry the other day.

It was Newfoundland’s birthday, and Dad threw a huge party. I hate parties, but Newfoundland seemed to have a good time.

While we were all eating cake, Dad had an announcement to make.
Texas: “I’ve been getting calls from the school and you have been nothing but trouble Nova Scotia! I’ve had enough and tomorrow morning you leave for boarding school.”
Nova Scotia: “This is so unfair! Prom is tomorrow night and you’re making me miss it!”

The two of them got into a huge argument and almost missed Newfoundland packing his things and moving out.

In the morning Liliana went to the gym really early, no doubt trying to avoid Nova Scotia and Dad. I was hiding in my room cause I didn’t want to be caught in the middle.

Despite all the arguing, Dad got his way and Nova Scotia was sent to prep school.

Bernard is still making a ton of sculptures. He even made some out of plants!

Mom and Dad are such different people, but they seem to adore each other so much. I can’t help but dream of finding someone too.

But maybe I already have? Cecilia and I talk all the time, sometimes we text each other too.

I still however always make some time for myself. It’s nice to be alone sometimes.


This was from Newfoundland’s birthday party, and I think this is the first time I’ve gotten a Killer Party before.

Alright, trait time! Nunavut adds Cat Person to Hates the Outdoors, Excitable, Neat, and Absent-Minded. Her lifetime wish is Forensic Specialise: Dynamic DNA Profiler. Newfoundland is now Unlucky, which joins Easily Impressed, Loves the Cold, Loves the Outdoors, and Brooding. His lifetime wish is Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium. Saskatchewan now has Commitment Issues, while New Brunswick is now a Hopeless Romantic. It’s funny how the twins keep getting opposing traits. Nova Scotia got sent to boarding school, cause for some reason her and Texas’ relationship has really tanked. The two of them used to be best friends, but now they are all the way in the red, so much so that Texas rolled a wish to send her to boarding school.

Anyways, that’s all for now, see you next time!

Posted in Generation 3

3.1 A Choice Made

Welcome back to the Holt Legacy! Last time Quebec moved out, Orlok aged up and moved out as well, the twins Saskatchewan and New Brunswick became children, Ontario struggled with his upcoming choice, Yukon struggled with social interactions and had his birthday (with a party he hated), and Bernard decided to join Will in his investigation!


I enjoy my job, but I have to frequently deal with my co-workers wanting to experiment on me.

I’m usually able to dissuade them, but sometimes one of them manages to sneak something odd into my lunch.

The tv was broken, and it was strange, I could almost see what part of it broke and how to fix it. I just tapped into that feeling of needing to fix it and WHAM! It was fixed. While my alien abilities are fairly intuitive, I’m still stumbling across new things I can do all the time.

Sleep has no use for me, instead I just need to sit down every few days and I guess I absorb energy from the world around me. I’m still not entirely sure what it is that I’m doing.

Without the need for sleep, I spend much of the night alone. It gives me a lot of time to think, which I need.

I still have a choice to make, can I really leave my parents, my family? I know Mom and Dad have lots of other kids, so they wouldn’t be alone, but at the same time the idea of leaving feels like I’m abandoning them.

I’ve noticed Bernard has been reading a lot lately. I’m not sure why, but I saw the title of one of the books and Vita wrote them. She was apparently Bernard’s wife, she died when I was still quite young, so my memories of her are rather vague. I’m not sure why he’s going through all of her books now, maybe it’s a way of being close to her.

Aria may not have given birth to me, but she’s still my Mom and has never treated me differently than any of her other kids. I’m sure if I told her I was leaving that she would understand, she would still miss me though.

My feelings for Dad have always been more complicated. He never seemed to be around and I always got the feeling he didn’t like or trust me as much as his other kids. Mom always used to say that Dad loves me and is just bad at showing it. I didn’t really believe her at first, but I remember being at school, sitting in the principles office. I was the one being bullied, but somehow I got the blame for the entire situation. Then Dad came in, he was so angry. I remember him yelling at the principal, defending me. He sort of threatened the principal into putting a stop to the bullying. The bullying didn’t stop completely, but it certainly wasn’t as often or as bad. That was the first time I realized that my Dad did actually love me.
My dad fought for me when no one else would, how can I turn my back on him now?

It hurts to think of my parents as old, cause that means one day they won’t be around anymore, but it is impossible to miss the signs of their growing age.

As much as I love my parents and my family I know they’ll be alright without me. Liliana is the one person I’m not sure I could bear to leave.

I’m sure if I left she would move on, find someone else, but it doesn’t feel like I could ever move on from her. She was the first person, aside from my family, to look at me and not just see some alien weirdo, a freak who didn’t belong.

I can’t help but feel guilt whenever I’m with her, is it cruel to keep our relationship going when I’m not sure if I’m going to stay?

But in the end I can’t seem to stay away.

Ontario: “You could have anyone you wanted.”
Liliana: “Well, I want you. When are you going to get that through that head if yours?”

Soon enough are date ended, Liliana left, I lingered for a few moments more, looking at the artwork.

He was waiting outside for me.
Alien: “Greetings Ontario Holt, it is time to go. I will give you a moment and we can be on our way. You will of course get a new name when we arrive in Sixam, Ontario Holt, is hardly befitting for one of our species.”

Ontario: “Hold on a minute! I haven’t yet decided if I want to go.”

Alien: “What is there to decide? This planet is hardly worthy of our noble heritage, it is primitive. There are far grander things awaiting you on Sixam.”

Maybe I was just having an off day, but the way he spoke about the only home I’ve ever known…
Ontario: “Not worthy? You’re the one not worthy! I don’t want to go anywhere with a pretentious jerk like you! This place is my HOME, and I’m not going anywhere! So you can take your technology and glorious future and STICK IT!!”

Alien: “Then you are a fool! Sixam will get on without you just fine, you have no idea what it is you are throwing away!”

Alien: “And if you think you will ever be fully accepted here, you are an idiot! No one on this planet is accepting of our species, not even those supposed supernaturals! You have ruined your life and one day you will look back and see what a mistake you’ve made, but it will be too late.”

The alien then took off and I was left alone. Maybe I will come to regret what I just did, but maybe I won’t. I may have acted rashly and purely out of dislike for that jerk, but my decision was made. My life here won’t be perfect, but I’m going to try and make it as great as I can.

Liliana was waiting right where she said she would. I spent all morning at different stores trying to find the perfect one, now that I know I’m staying there is one thing I must do.

Ontario: “Liliana, I’ve done a lot of thinking these past few days, and there’s no one I would rather spend the rest of my life with then you, marry me?”
Liliana: “YES! Of course I will!”

Now that we were engaged, it was time to introduce Liliana to my parents.

Ontario: “Mom, Dad, this is my fiancée, Liliana.”
Aria: “You’re engaged! That’s wonderful darling! I can’t wait to help you plan the wedding, I have so many ideas!!!”
Ontario: “Slow down Mom, I’m sure that will all happen soon enough.”

Liliana absolutely charmed my parents, and my Dad isn’t an easy man to impressed.
Texas: “Seems like you’ve found a wonderful woman there, I can hardly imagine anyone better.”


I don’t mind the learning part of school, it’s just dealing with all the other students that’s the problem. I can never seem to say the right thing, people always seem to end up looking at me funny before they walk away. I do have one friend though, Annie, she likes to sit beside me in class and talk sometimes. She’s one of those people that have a ton of friends and everyone likes. I’ve asked her how she does it, she always just shrugs and says that people just seem to like her.

I’ve tried to ask Dad about making more friends, he always seems to have a lot of them. He just says that people like to be given things and that money will get you further than friends ever will, so you don’t really need them.

Mom is not much better, all she says is be yourself and eventually you’ll find the right friends, that’s hardly of use to me now!

At least I’m not the only one around here that has trouble making friends. Alberta seems to flit from one friend group to the next. I’ve talked to her about it, and Alberta says she has no problem making friends, but keeping them is another story.
So not only do I have to figure out how to make more friends, I also have to figure out how to keep them too!

Dealing with people is so stressful, it’s always nice when I can take some time to be by myself. When I’m alone, there is no one to judge me and I don’t have to worry about trying to seem normal.

With a big family like this one, it wasn’t long before more birthdays happened.

Alberta is now all grown up.

While Nova Scotia is a teen like me.

Mom and Dad handed over a lot of money to Alberta to help her buy her own house. I hope they don’t expect me to move out the second I age up, this place is my home!


There was a lot of planning, a lot of writing invitations, but today was my wedding day.

Surrounded by our families, I’ve never seen Liliana look so beautiful.

When I was looking into Liliana’s eyes, it was like everyone else just faded away, and it was just the two of us on this beautiful beach.

We were married and this was the happiest day of my life so far.

After the ceremony it was time to cut the cake.

Liliana insisted I do it, as I’m better at this sort of thing than her.

It didn’t take long for our guests to work on devouring the cake.

One the dance floor, Liliana and I shared our first dance as husband and wife. Dad insisted on being the DJ.

I may never see Sixam or learn about the culture and history of my species, but right here, with Liliana is my arms, I didn’t need or miss any of it.

I won’t go into details, some things should stay between a man and his wife, but our wedding night was wonderful.

Soon enough our honeymoon was over, and both Liliana and I had to get beck to work. Liliana is employed at the local military base and dreams of one day going to space. Maybe she’ll even find my species’ home planet one day.


Liliana was trying to fix the stereo and got fried to a crisp, I was surprised cause she was at handiness level 2 or 3 here. I’m just glad she didn’t die before her wedding. Also for some reason Liliana and Texas became close friends really quickly.

Instead of driving and taking the path to the beach where the wedding was being hosted. The entire family decided to run across the wilderness, going down some very steep hills.

Alberta and Quebec were both invited to Ontario’s wedding, but they showed up 5 hours late and missed everything but the dancing.

Trait time! Alberta adds Over-Emotional to Grumpy, Easily Impressed, Kleptomaniac, Disciplined, and her lifetime wish is Super Popular. Nova Scotia is now Friendly. Liliana is a Great Kisser, Brave, Insane, Animal Lover, Light Sleeper, and her lifetime wish is to Become and Astronaut.

And that’s all for now folks, see you next time!

Posted in Generation 3

3.0 Decisions

Welcome back to the Holt Legacy! Last time there was an Heir Poll, and Yukon and Ontario were chosen as heirs, so this will be a dual heirship generation! I am no where near finished playing this generation, but I have come up with a few plotty stuff that I am excited to get to!


Now that Quebec’s all grown up she dresses kind of funny. She also decided that she wants to leave right away! I can’t imagine doing that, where would I go if I left home?

Ontario is still sticking around, he doesn’t seem to be planning on going anywhere, but I suppose he still could. I talk to him sometimes, he’s nice, but always talks to me like I’m a baby.

I know Dad works, but I’m not sure what he does. Whenever I ask, he pats me on the head and tells me not to worry about it. I hate it when he pats me on the head, but I don’t really want to say anything cause then he might get upset.

Everytime I go to bed, I feel like there are monster’s lurking about. I like to check under every bed before hand, but I never find anything.

Apparently someone booby-trapped the sink and Nova Scotia got sprayed all over with water. She’s currently vowing revenge, but I’m not sure she’ll be able to find out who is responsible.

Mom was really happy earlier, she said she finally completed her dream of mastering the arts. I don’t really get it, but as long as she’s happy.

Yukon: “Nova Scotia, what are we doing here?”
Nova Scotia: “You wanted to go ice skating remember? This is the perfect place to do it, plus we should have the place to ourselves.”
If you’re wondering why Nova Scotia’s hair is different, at some point I misplaced the CC hair she had, so I had to replace it.

Yukon: “I guess this isn’t so bad.”

Yukon: “Ahhh, I don’t think I’m very good at this.”
Nova Scotia: “Doesn’t matter, I brought you here for another reason besides skating. We need to talk.”

Nova Scotia: “You’re weird Yukon, I don’t mind it, but it draws the attention of people, and not in a good way. So I am giving you lessons on how to act normal.”
Yukon: “Huh?”


We both a time off from work so I took Liliana on a date.

She is just as beautiful as I remember.

She never seems bothered that I’m different from just about anyone else. My thin nose, green skin and hair, not to mention my solid black eyes and high pitched voice.

I can’t help but wonder if I’m doing the right thing continuing our relationship. I’m an adult now and one day soon my people will come for me and ask me to go to Sixam. If I do this, I can never return here.

I do want to learn about my people, their technology, their history, everything. But at the same time I have a life here, a career I enjoy…

And people I love. One day soon I’m going to have to make a choice, my life here, or my people back on Sixam.

My mother left this device last time she was here, I get the feeling she was doing something she wasn’t supposed to. I’ve been playing around with it trying to figure out how it works, my success has been limited.

I also took a foray into cooking, I think my waffles turned out quite well. There is still so much here on Earth I could learn, do I really want to give this all up?


Bernard: “Orlok?”
Orlok: “Hey Dad.”

Bernard: “It’s so good to see you! You’ve gotten so big!”
Orlok: “It’s good to see you too Dad.”

Orlok: “I know from you and from Ruthven, that there’s something big going on here, something dangerous. Which is why you sent the two of us away in the first place. Ruthven is travelling, seeing the world, and I want to join him. We’ve been talking and are going to meet up in France. I don’t want you to worry too much, we’ll be together and we’re now adults who are capable of looking after themselves.”

Bernard: “I don’t think I’ll ever stop worrying, but you have to call me! As often as you can! Or letters or something! Tell me when you and your brother meet up, when you get on the plane, everything!”
Orlok: “Calm down Dad, it’s going to be fine.”

To know my sons were all grown up was bitter sweet, but at least they are far away from all the trouble around here. They weren’t the only ones growing up though.

Aria and Texas’ youngest children were already getting bigger!

Both boys are growing so fast! New Brunswick seems to have developed a hatred for everything artistic and regularly complains about art class at school… Though to be honest I have no idea what goes on in an ‘art class’ I only ever grew up with private tutors.

Saskatchewan is forgetful and messy. He can’t be bothered to do much when it comes to his hair and is often forgetting his lunch at home.


The bus was super crowded today and the thought of getting on it made me uncomfortable, so I rode my bike home instead.

When I got there, there were all these people around, what’s going on?

VJ: “And there’s the birthday boy! I bet you’re excited for today aren’t you?”
Yukon: “Um… I guess?”

No no no no no! Dad has thrown a birthday party for me! I asked him not too!

I hate being the centre of attention, with all these strangers staring at me, spitting their germs into the air! I’m supposed to make a wish, how can I concentrate on making a good one with everyone looking at me???

Nova Scotia rolled her eyes when she saw what clothes I picked. She says I dress like a child and clearly didn’t listen to a thing she said. I like my clothes though, they’re comfy and I like stars! Ontario’s the one always playing with toys, but somehow I’m the childish one?


I don’t mind the parties Dad likes to throw much, but all the noise can make it difficult to concentrate. I have work to do and a decision to make.

I was in a bit of a panic when my mother showed up again, I thought I hade to chose now!

Ontario: “It’s not time for me to make my choice is it?! Cause I still haven’t decided!”

Alien: “No, someone else will come to get you when it is time. It is frowned upon for a parent to be the one to give the choice. I simply wanted to see you again, see how you are doing.”

Ontario: “I’m okay I guess, I’m just having a hard time making my decision. You’re my Mom, but I’ve been raised by other people, people I care about and who care about me. And then I have a girlfriend, I adore here, but despite all of that I do want to learn more about our people, my history!”

Alien: “I know it is a big decision, and once it is done, it is final. Which just makes all of it even worse. I have faith in you Ontario, when the time comes you will know what choice to make. And while I may not have raised you, I have popped in every once in awhile to check on you, even if you haven’t always seen me. I love you, and will be proud of you whatever you decide. It’s your life, and it’s your choice on how to live it.”

Talking to my mother was comforting, though it still didn’t help me make a decision. I do get the feeling that she’s breaking rules just by coming to see me. My people may have more advanced technology, but do I really belong in their society?


Bernard: “Will, it’s me. I know I’ve been a fool about all of this, especially at first, but my boys are grown and out of the country. I’d like to help you, if you still want it.”

Will: “I’m really glad you’re helping me now Bernard. This beach is where the latest body has washed up, well, what remained of it. The police have taken it all away, but I want us to split up to see if we can find anything.”

Bernard: “What exactly are we looking for? This is a beach, it’s full of trash.”

Will: “Anything the police might have missed, they’re not exactly doing a thorough investigation into the murder of vampires. Blood, hair, credit cards, ID, anything that might be out of place. We should also talk to some people that were around here at the time as well.”

I checked near the waters edge.

While Will combed the bushes. Neither of us found anything.

Bernard: “Excuse me sir, did you see anything unusual on this beach this morning, maybe around 6 am?”
Man: “Afraid not! There were a few boats in the distance, but that’s about it. Why are you asking?”
Bernard: “Uh… We think there might be some illegal stuff going on. Here.”
Man: “Right…”

Will: “Excuse me Miss, there have been reports of possible drug smuggling in the area, I was just wondering if you may have inadvertently witnessed something?”
Lady: “Well… There was this really posh boat hanging around this morning. Is that the sort of thing you were looking for?”
Will: “Why did this boat stand out to you?”
Lady: “Well, it was really posh, the kind out boat that belongs to people who stay up late and sleep in tell noon, not something you see in the early hours of the morning. I frequent this beach a lot for my morning walks, and I know all the regular boats that are around at this time, and this wasn’t one of them.”
Will: “Did this boat have any distinguishing markings?”
Lady: “I wasn’t paying that much attention I’m afraid. I think it had a flag, but I was too far away to see much.”
Will: “Thank you for your time, the Coast Guard really appreciates this.”
Lady: “Oh no problem, anything to help law enforcement!”

Will: “One of the people around here witnessed an unusual boat around the time the body was dumped. I’m going to look into it. I know this may be hard for you Bernard, but I want you to read more of Vita’s books. She was working for an organization which is probably connected to this mess. Her books are the best way for us to find out more about them.”
Bernard: “I haven’t really touched her books since that first time, but you’re right. We need to find out what’s going on. I refuse to let my boys get mixed up in this, and the longer this goes on, the more likely it will happen. I’ll let you know when I finish all her books.”


This couldn’t really fit in anywhere, but enjoy dinosaur Nova Scotia destroying a snow angel.

That’s it for this post! Orlok grew up with the trait Artistic which joins Hot-Headed, Vehicle Enthusiast, Brave, and Athletic. His lifetime wish is Firefighter Super Hero. New Brunswick now Can’t Stand Art, while Saskatchewan gained the trait Absent-Minded. Yukon, one of the heirs is now Lucky. See you next time!

Posted in Uncategorized

Gen 3 Heir Poll

Alright everyone, it’s time for the Gen 3 heir poll! Which of these 9 kids will be taking over for generation 3?

First up we have the eldest who is an alien, Ontario. He’s Clumsy, Loves the Heat, Grumpy, Childish, and an Angler. He has a lifetime wish of Creature-Robot Cross-Breeder, and should he be heir, he’ll probably marry is RI Liliana Sw0rd. As for plot, there will be a focus on his alien heritage.

Next we have Quebec, who’s Virtuoso, Loves the Outdoors, Grumpy, Adventurous, and Socially Awkward. Her lifetime wish is Vocal Legend, she has no prospective spouses yet. Should she be heir, the plot will focus on her issues with her dad and her family in general, and her career.

Alberta is next, she’s Grumpy, Easily Impressed, Kleptomaniac, and Disciplined. She currently has no lifetime wish, and has a face-one RI whose face I’ll probably end up randomizing. Should she be heir, there will be a focus on her struggle with kleptomania.

Nunavut has the traits Hates the Outdoors, Excitable, Neat, and Absent-Minded. Her lifetime wish is Forensic Specialist: Dynamic DNA Profiler, and has an RI Kian she’ll probably end up with. Should she be heir the plot will focus on the fact she’s a cop with an Emperor of Evil for a father. Her RI Kian is also a vampire, so there’ll also be some plot centered around that.

Newfoundland is Easily Impressed, Loves the Outdoors, Loves the Cold, and Brooding. His lifetime wish is Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium, and he has an RI Ellen. Should he be heir the focus will probably be on his obsession with fishing.

Next we have Yukon, who’s a Light Sleeper, Eccentric, and a Night Owl. Should he be heir, the focus will probably be on how he’s considered odd by other people, it may change as he gets more traits.

Here’s what he looks like as a young adult.

Nova Scotia is Evil, Athletic, and Neat. Should she be heir, there will probably be a focus on her Evil trait and various evil plots she comes up with.

This is what she looks like as a young adult.

Saskatchewan is next, he’s a Slob, and Artistic. As for plot, it’ll depend on what traits he gets, maybe I’ll go for some kind of artist drama or something.

This is what he looks like as a young adult.

The last heir option is New Brunswick, he’s Absent-Minded and Eccentric. Like his twin, the plot will depend on what traits he develops as he gets older. He might end up an inventor and churn out plumbots or something.

This is what he looks like as a young adult.

And those are your 9 options for heir, you can vote here, on boolprop, or both. You have 7 days to vote!

Posted in Generation 2

2.7 Meet The Kids – Part 2

Welcome back to the Holt Legacy! Last time Faith finally died (at 105 days old!), there were birthdays (Ruthven moved out), and New Brunswick and Saskatchewan were born. Much like 2.5, this post is going to focus on the kids, specifically the younger ones, who didn’t get much screen time last time. This is also the last post before the heir poll!


I just love winter, all the snow everywhere.

It’s perfect for making snowman.

While frozen ponds are great for skating on, they kind of get in the way of fishing… But I can’t help but love it when it’s cold outside!


Wow, look at that toilet clean itself. I wonder what it would be like to sit on it as it cleans? Would it clean my butt as well?

I want to make something amazing someday, or maybe find a way to get into outer space and officially meet some aliens (Ontario doesn’t really count, he was born here after all).

I have loads of older siblings, and while they’re nice and all, I don’t always feel like I’m truly one of them. Newfoundland taught me this hand thing you’re supposed to do with people, apparently it’s “cool”, but I don’t really get the point of it all.

People are hard, it’s easier to spend time by myself.

Even if that time doesn’t always end well.


Ugh, most of my family is so boring, and while Nunavut understands the importance of keeping things organized, she’s such a goody two-shoes.

Newfoundland on the other hand is obsessed with fishing, and getting older didn’t change that, if anything it made things worse! What’s the fun in staring at a lake all day hoping to catch a single fish.

While my family has loads of money, I think one can never have too much of it, I think Dad agrees with me. Dad just gets me, he understands how it’s so funny to watch all the people I hate getting what they deserve.

Mom on the other hand is always telling me to be nice to people.

I don’t get the point of it all, it’s boring trying to be nice, but I have learned the value in faking it. Paste on the right smile, with the right words and tone of voice, and adults will believe pretty much anything. I’ve managed to convince all the teachers at school that Bethany is a rotten liar, so no one believes her when she tries to tell people about how I pushed her and ruined her new dress.

I would take satisfaction over the fact that Ontario’s room is now mine, but the simpleton doesn’t even care. It’s so unfair.

*sigh* It’s a shame I’m not the youngest child. I have to put up with two screaming menaces.

They do however make easy targets.

There’s nothing better than giving them candy only to steal it back after they’ve only had a few licks. I think their cries are better than any music Mom plays.

Out of all my siblings I like Yukon the best, he doesn’t seem to get my jokes, but then he doesn’t seem to get anyone’s jokes. At least he doesn’t look at me like I’m a freak or mutter that there’s something seriously wrong with me like all my other siblings seem too.


The Holt children are numerous and diverse, each one is different from the others (Though there are some distinct similarities between them). They are not however particularly close to each other.

Their parents desperate for some alone time (don’t worry, there’s no new children on the horizon) sent their children out of the house. After much bickering it was decided that they would go to the graveyard.

The pond was not yet frozen so Newfoundland had plenty to keep himself occupied.

Quebec had decided to interact with one of her classmates that was there.

Ontario, being the official adult and chaperone of this excursion, pulled out a book. He was careful to keep half an eye of things, but his was fairly confident that his siblings couldn’t get into that much trouble around here.

Unfortunately for Quebec, her classmate turned out to be an utter loser who only wanted to get into her pants. She quickly put him in his place.

Nova Scotia erected an igloo and spent some time laughing maniacally inside. No one was quite certain what about, but it generally creeped out all the other visitors.

Alberta (once she finished picking pockets), decided to get in on all the fun in the snow going on.

Nunavut was displeased with the quality if igloos around here, and thus set out to build her own.

Quebec trying to avoid talking to her creep of a classmate decided to try out fishing (see what Newfoundland’s always going on about).

Having perfected her igloo, Nunavut got dragged into a pillow fight with one of her classmates (she was rather suspicious of what he was doing carrying two pillows around).

Nova Scotia was having great fun digging up bodies and was rather annoyed when Quebec made her put the skulls she took back.

Alberta: “What is wrong with you?! Why do you always ruin everything?!”
Nunavut: “What are you talking about, I was just standing here!”
Alberta: “You were doing your stupid goody two-shoes thing and preaching about the importance of law enforcement! When will you get it into your head, that no one else cares!!”

Nunavut: “At least I’m not a friendless loser! How many people’s houses have you been kicked out again? If you kept your sticky fingers to yourself people might actually like you!”

Alberta: *grumbles* “Stupid Nunavut. I don’t need friends.”

Alberta: *utterly fails to destroy a snowman* “Damnit.”

Alberta then decided to indulge Nova Scotia with the pillow fight she wanted (The classmate had been scared off and he left his pillows behind). This quickly turned out to be a mistake as Nova Scotia had stuff her pillow full of ice and rocks.

Yukon, after obsessively building an army of snowmen, was delighted when Ontario got up from his boring book and started making funny faces with him.

The day was finished off with the all of the teens heading off to prom, all of them, except Quebec, ended up with a romantic entanglement during the evening.

This however was not the only event of the evening.

After 9 children and many years of work and marriage.

Texas is now an elder.

Despite his age, he still commands respect from his children and underlings alike.

Yukon has trouble connecting with his peers (and doesn’t like any of the games Nova Scotia always wants to play), so he often ends up playing alone.

Quebec woke with a sudden astonishment.

She had completely forgotten that it was already her birthday. She was more than ready to move on from school and pursue her own dreams.

And that’s a wrap! I’m not going to bother telling you what traits anyone got this time cause it’ll all be in the heir poll which will be posted after this! I love Texas and will be sad to see him go, but I’m excited to see who’ll end up taking over.

SimNaNo Count

Update #13
Words: 1213
Pics: 45

Posted in Generation 2

2.6 All Things It Devours

Welcome back to the Holt Legacy! Last time we got to know some of the older kids, there were several birthdays, and Yukon and Nova Scotia were born. This post is kind of a filler to let the kids age up, and Meet the Kids Part II will be the post after this and will focus on some of the younger kids.


It was the middle of the night when I woke to the feeling of something being wrong.

I ended up in Faith’s room, where I found her dead. It wasn’t exactly a surprise, she was quite old, and we knew she could go at anytime now. I hated her for so long, I’d wished her dead on multiple occasions, but now that it’s actually happened, I feel oddly empty.

Quebec and Nunavut had the room beside my mother’s, and woke when they heard me moving around. I tried to keep them out of the room and send them back to bed, but they still managed to get a glimpse of the body. They had never seen a body before, and were oddly quiet the next few days.

But one thing that I’ve learned in my years of living, is that no matter who dies or how much you care about them, life always manages to go on. Soon enough Nova Scotia was getting bigger by the day.

Quebec has become so reluctant to be around her siblings, especially since she became a teenager. I’d thought that Alberta would end up much the same, but it doesn’t seem to be the case.

Mother was cremated and her ashes placed in the mausoleum out back. I’ve spent years of my life trying to deny our relationship, but now that she’s gone, I find myself missing her… I don’t quite know what to make if it.

Nova Scotia was soon babbling away, Aria was so proud of her progress.

I’ve at last managed to track down and get rid of everyone that had something to do with what happened to Arizona. I’ve made a name for myself and no one would dare touch my family again.

There’s a pit in my stomach at the thought that Mother died not knowing that Arizona was still alive, that she didn’t die all those years ago. Mom is dead, but it still feels like she’s haunting me.

And I’m not the only one, everyone is still upset, except for the little ones who’re too young to know what’s going on. I feel bad for only finding out now that Alberta was quite close to Mom.

Mom was the one who did most of the cooking, so Aria has taken it upon herself to fulfill this now vacant roll.

Goodness knows Bernie would never do such a thing… Not that I’d want to eat something made by a vampire who hasn’t so much as eaten a cookie in centuries. However, I’m now beginning to realize I may have treated him more harshly than he deserves.

Texas: “I know that I haven’t always been open with you, and often treated you badly, but I have something that I think you should know.”

Texas: “Arizona’s alive.”
Bernard: “ALIVE?”
Texas: “Ever since she disappeared I’ve been trying to figure out what happened to her, but I ended up actually finding her. The body that they gave us wasn’t her, it was a fake! She had a son, and there was a lot of important people involved, so she couldn’t stay, but I got her out. I never told Mom though, she died not knowing Arizona was still alive and… Not knowing that I didn’t hate her as much as I thought I did.”

Bernard: “Faith loved you, I know she wasn’t always great at showing it, something you seem to have inherited. She would have been so happy to learn Arizona is still alive, just like I am.”

Bernard: “She may be dead now, but I like to think she now knows the truth, and is proud of you. I certainly am.”
Texas: “…Thanks Bernie, for everything, you’ve always been there, whether I wanted you to be or not.”


Bernard: “Ruthven?”

Ruthven: “Hi Dad.”
Bernard: “You’re all grown up now!”

Ruthven: “Please don’t start crying on me now Dad. I know you always wanted what was best for us, but now that I’ve grown up, I want to travel the world. It’s not like I’m short on time.”
Bernard: “I want you to call me, to make sure you’re all right!”
Ruthven: “Don’t worry Dad, I’ll be fine, and I will call you.”

Newfoundland seems to love anything to do with the outdoors, while he’s made his preference for fishing clear, I often find him watching the gardening channel.

Faith was a good friend, she may have been a little reluctant about being friends at first, but I like to think we were both better for it. Faith’s death does not haunt me the way Vita’s does. Maybe it’s cause she died old and relatively happy, sometimes I feel like she’s still with me, complaining about my latest activity.

Life is hardly dull with all of the children running around.

Nova Scotia and Yukon may be toddlers, but the two of them are already quite close.

Aria has been feeling ill lately, I hope it’s nothing bad.

The maid, whom Texas promptly fired after this incident, declared her work done for the day right before she plopped a huge pile of garbage in the entrance way. The audacity!

Life was quick to return to normal after Faith’s passing, as Texas throws another party.

This time it is in celebration of Nunavut’s birthday.

As well as little Yukon’s.

Nunavut is blossoming into a lovely woman.

While Yukon is already entering school!

It seems Nova Scotia won’t be the baby of the family for long, Aria and Texas have announced that they’re expecting another child!

Nunavut was such an orderly child, but it seems she has started to loosen up, and has even discovered video games.

With such a large family, and more on the way, Texas decided to purchase a second fridge for the family. I must admit, it makes things much easier.

I can’t believe all these children I’ve watched grow up, are at school, some of them are even going to be leaving it soon!

I may have been a little distracted by how fast they’re all growing up and shattered my latest ice sculpture… I was working quite hard on it too.

I did manage to make a new one, and it was just beautiful!

Ontario is only a few days short of adulthood, and while he’s been well behaved for as long as I can remember, he’s started acting out.

Nunavut and Alberta look so much alike, and yet they’re personalities are very different. For Nunavut school is a breeze, and she seems to have a firm sense of right and wrong. Alberta tends to struggle more, and it seems like she has a different friend group every week.

Soon it was Ontario’s birthday. He insisted that there not be a large party, just family, and Texas reluctantly (he loves parties) obliged.

An adult already! Ontario soon announced that he got a job working at the science facility.

Nunavut refused to sit at the table with everyone else, I wasn’t exactly clear on the reason why, but she ended up eating in one of the bedrooms!

Shortly later Aria went into labour!

She and Texas welcomed twin boys into the world.

New Brunswick.

And Saskatchewan.

And that’s it! Faith died at 105 days old (Not the oldest sim I ever had, but close). Now for traits! Ruthven gained the trait Loves the Outdoors and a lifetime wish of Alchemy Artisan, Ontario is now an Angler and his lifetime wish is Creature-Robot Cross Breeder, Nunavut is now Absent-Minded, Yukon became a Night Owl, New Brunswick was born with Absent Minded and Eccentric, while Saskatchewan is Artistic and a Slob. Due to how young some of the kids are, I’ve decided to wait till Quebec becomes a young adult before having an heir poll. Next post will be the last one before the heir poll, see you next time!


Update #9
Words: 1376
Pictures: 47

Posted in Generation 2

2.5 Meet the Kids – Part 1

Welcome back to the Holt Legacy! Last time there was a ton of birthdays, Newfoundland was born, Aria got pregnant again, and Bernard sent Ruthven and Orlok to boarding school for there own safety. With Ontario approaching young adulthood and thus the heir poll coming up soon, this post is going to focus on getting to know some of the kids.


I can’t imagine how anyone can outgrow toys, they’re so much fun! One minute you’re sitting in your home, and the next… WOOSH! You’re soaring through outer space, fighting intergalactic criminals.

Bernard, who I’m not actually sure why he lives with us, but he’s kind of like the family vampire, he’s taken up sculpting recently. It makes a huge mess, but he always cleans up after himself, so no one ever gets mad at him. I don’t think I could ever do it, I would probably end up chopping my own hands off.

Dad has been arguing a lot with Grandma lately, I never really understood why they don’t like each other, anytime I ask I always get the same answer. There’s some bad history between them, they’re too much alike, they were torn apart by tragedy… I only even recently found out the tragedy everyone always mentions is the death of my aunt Arizona! No one tells me anything.

Not even when the maids start to get overly friendly with the tots and Dad fires them and we never see them again. I’m pretty sure this isn’t normal…

But then again, I’m not really normal either. I may not like school, but I’ve always found it super easy.

I don’t know much about where I came from, and I know Dad never wanted me. Mom says she doesn’t care, that I’ll always be her son. She insists the Dad loves me, but I’m not so sure.

All Dad seems to care about is Mom, and his work, us kids are clearly not his priority.

It was late at night and I was the only one up (I don’t really need to sleep anymore), when I noticed someone outside.
Ontario: “Who’re you?”
Alien: “I, young one, am your mother.”

Ontario: “WHAT? Where have you been my whole life? Why did you leave me with Dad? Why are you here now!?!?”

Alien: “Our species is dying, for all our advancements and technology, we can’t seem to stop our own extinction. We cannot raise young on our home planet Sixam, everytime we try they die young. The only solution we’ve found is to implant our young in other species, let them grow up on another planet, and when the child is of age, they are given the option to come home. Our abilities come naturally to our young, as I’m sure you have found out, and teaching them about their heritage once they reach adulthood has proven to be a simple process.”
Ontario: “You’re not here to take me away are you?”
Alien: “No, you are still too young, and even so, we always give a choice. I am old young one, I’m not sure how much longer I will live, and you are my only child. All I have come here to do is see you with my own eyes.”

Ontario: “Wanna play tag?”
Alien: “What is tag?”
Ontario: “It’s a game here on Earth, I’ll show you!”

I’m still not sure what to think about suddenly having my real mother show up out of nowhere, I haven’t told anyone about it, and I’m not sure I will. I tried to repair the dishwasher the ‘human way’… I wasn’t exactly successful, but I dream of becoming a scientist, so I need to know how to take things apart and put them back together again!

Without needing to sleep, I find myself with a lot of free time on my hands. I’m not exactly popular at school, and I thought flooding it might make more people like me, or even impress Liliana. *sigh* She’s just so pretty, and we were having such a good time at prom too.

Unfortunately my plan backfired, and the police caught me.

I didn’t even get in trouble since no one was awake, but really hope Liliana doesn’t hear about this.


Ugh, Bernard, the family mooch has started making sculptors out of ice. It is the nosiest thing ever, how am I supposed to concentrate on school when I have to deal with this all the time!

Not to mention my parents can’t seem to stop breeding, and I have a whole brood of younger siblings.

You’d think they’d know what to do by now, but everyone still panics the moment Mom goes into labour.

I have another younger brother now. This one is called Yukon. Ugh. At least I don’t have to share a room with him.

The ice sculpture Bernard has been working so hard on, is a toilet… What is broken in his mind?

I’m not even allowed the luxury of doing my homework in my own room. Someone else always seems to get there first.

Dad seems to have decided to dote on this newest kid. Must be nice, he’s never showed the least bit of interest towards me. At least I’m not the only kid in this house he ignores.

And Dad just loves to throw parties, I can’t stand them. At least Nunavut is no longer a crying toddler, I’m stuck sharing a room with her.

Dad gets a call in the middle of the party, it’s his work. Of course it is. He drops everything, like he always does. Some things never change, work always comes first in Dad’s life.

Of course the shower chose to break on me of all people! This kind of crap always seems to happen to me.

I’ve always liked music, it makes since when nothing else does. Mom and Grandma have started trying to teach me to play the guitar, I’m not sure it’s my thing yet, but I don’t hate it, so that’s something.

I don’t understand how Ontario can be so okay with our parents continually popping out children. Yukon is now a toddler…

And Mom is already talking about more! Me and Ontario are both teenagers, they’re getting too old for kids!

Alright, maybe the brats aren’t so bad all of the time… It’s better when I’m not stuck sharing a room with them.

*sigh* This shit always seems to happen to me, these idiots couldn’t even get my face paint right.

Maybe the Haunted House will prove to be less of a disappointment.

Someone convinced me to give the face paint people another shot, and guess what? They messed up again.

It took me ages to get a face paint that was even moderately decent, and I had to do it myself!

Oh great, the brats are playing make believe, I hope they don’t try and drag me into this crap. Mom will make me play with them. Be nice Quebec, they’re your little sisters she’ll say, not that what I want ever seems to be taken into account.


Quebec used to be kind of fun, but ever since she became a teenager, all she ever wants to do is be on her own. I feel like no one ever understands me. Mom is great, she clearly loves us, but that doesn’t mean she gets us either. I always wonder if Dad might understand more, but he’s not around all that much.

You see, I have, what some people might call a problem. I just can’t seem to stop taking things! My classmates and the school in general are all so careless about their belongings, that it’s soo easy to simply slip them into my pocket and take home. I may have gotten caught a little at first, but I’m way past that now. It’s really not my fault, if they didn’t want their stuff to get stolen, then maybe they should look after it better!

Mom has been sick lately, but she’s had this sickness enough times that I know what it means. I may be a kid, but I’m not stupid.

I know Dad isn’t just a businessmen.

No businessman keeps the hours Dad does, or dresses like that. I wish I could talk to him about my habit of stealing things, but… He’s not exactly easy to talk too.

Yukon is such a happy and adorable toddler.

And Dad actually puts effort into getting to know him! The kid doesn’t know how lucky he is… I just wish that Dad would try and get to know me too.

Dad’s kind of close to Newfee too, even if Newfoundland is kind of a mouthful.

Well, Mom and Dad have officially announced that they’re expecting another child. I don’t mind having all these younger siblings, but I do wonder if Quebec is right when she says they’re getting too old…

Everyone around me seems to have a hobby, something they’re good at, but all I seem to be good at is stealing.

Grandma gave everyone a big ol’ shock when she came inside from the storm looking extra crispy. Apparently she got struck by lightning, TWICE! I really like Grandma, hopefully she isn’t getting senile.

I talked to Mom about not really being good at anything, and she suggested that I just try a bunch of stuff to see what I like. I guess building with blocks is fun, but nothing seems to beat the thrill I get ever time I take something I wasn’t supposed to.

Dad continues to dote of Yukon, the lucky kid, he barely ever looks my way.

I tried to get Nunnie to play with me, but she said she was too busy cleaning… CLEANING! Who actually wants to clean, she’s even younger than I am, she should be the one asking me to play!

It’s now my birthday, and I’m really excited.

Even if I do have to share it with Newfee.

Maybe now that I’m older I’ll finally be able to connect with Dad!

Or not… At least I still have Grandma.


Everything has it’s place. I may be a kid, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be neat.

I don’t care about the funny looks Alberta and Quebec shoot me. Mom says I’m very mature, that she’s proud of me for always cleaning up after myself.

I always make my bed in the morning, even though Quebec says that is what we have a maid for.

Having a maid is no excuse for leaving trash all over the place.

So I always clean it up when I see it, even if Quebec always rolls her eyes at me.

If the trash is full I take it out, I’m not sure why no one else does it.

It’s only when the cleaning is done do I let myself play.

Even then, sometime I have to stop cause I forgot something. I have to be careful cause Dad is sleeping, and he gets mad if you wake him up for no reason.

But I forgot to clean their bathroom!

Quebec likes to say that I’ll be a maid when I grow up since I like cleaning so much, but that’s not what I want. I want to be a police officer!

Ontario says police officers are smart, and use logic to solve crimes, so he’s offered to teach me chess! At least Ontario supports my dreams, Mom always changes the subject, and Dad tries to convince me that cops are bad. Maybe there are some bad cops out there, but I’m going to be a good one!

Being able to draw is also useful, I may have to sketch or recreate a crime scene one day!


Now I’m no longer a baby, I can look after myself, and follow my dreams.

Nunnie is always walking around cleaning and making everyone uncomfortable about wanting to be a cop… Though I’m not sure why it gets everyone in a tiff. I however, just want to fish.

Nunnie may say fishing isn’t a real job, that it’s icky and gross, but it’s what I want, and Mom says that’s most important. Dad’s even fine with it, he says the family has plenty of money to support me, whatever my dream!

Even with all the children Mom and Dad are still having.

I have a little sister now, Nova Scotia, I’m so excited!


Texas completed his lifetime wish and became Emperor of Evil, and ever since Aria has been booing him regularly. There relationship has been dropping as well, I think it’s a Good sim thing.

It’s trait time! Yukon was born with Light Sleeper and Eccentric, Nova Scotia was born with Evil and Athletic, Nunavut became Neat, Alberta is now Disciplined, and Newfoundland now Loves the Outdoors. That’s all for now folks, see you next time!

SimNaNo Count

Update #5
Words: 2152
Pics: 72

Posted in Generation 2

2.4 Encroaching Threats

Welcome back to the Holt Legacy! It’s been awhile since I last updated, I hade to review my previous posts to figure out where I am in the plot. Last time Alberta and Nunavut were born, Ontario and Ruthven became children and blackmailed Ohio into taking them to the cemetery.


Aria truly dotes on her children and does her best to attend to their every need, though I do worry about Texas’ lack of involvement in their life.

While I will not risk my son’s life by getting involved in whatever’s been going on, I can’t help but notice public opinion on supernatural life states has been getting even worse. There seems to be even talk about legalizing hunting down anyone who isn’t an ordinary human… What will happen to innocent children like Ontario should this happen?

Vita’s lose hits me at odd times, I wish I could ask her why she betrayed and spied on me. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I swear I see her beside me. Did she ever really love me, or was I just a means to an ends.

Ruthven doesn’t seem to be bothered by the lack of a mother in his life. He does get curious sometimes, but he seems happy playing with Ontario. The two of them have become quite close, though I’m not sure why Ohio seems so annoyed by them.

Alberta is growing fast, she even began talking the other day.

The one thing Texas never skimps on is throwing parties for his children.

Which are soon to increase in number.

Quebec and Ohio are both getting older. I can’t believe Ohio is a young adult already, it seems only yesterday he was the sweet baby Faith brough home.

The rise of a full moon seems to have lead to a number of uninvited guests.

Quebec seems to have grown to be rather annoyed with just about everything, I have never known a child to frown so much.

Ohio on the other hand is blooming with a new confidence, I can’t help but be proud of the man he’s become.

I’m not sure what happened, but Texas seems to be taking more of an interest in his children. He even helping to potty train Alberta!

Ohio: “I don’t know who my father is and I doubt I ever will, but what I do know is that he was a witch. I know this because I’m a witch too. I’ve struggled trying to figure it out on my own, but I’ve finally managed to track down other witches, a coven that is willing to take me in and train me… But I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye, I know I haven’t always been the easiest to deal with, and I really want you to understand why I’m leaving. I’m not sure how much contact I’ll have with everyone once I leave.”

Bernard: “A witch? I do wish you told me sooner, I may not have much experiences with witches, but I do have some contacts I could have talked to. While I do wish you would stay, I know that there’s a lot of trouble brewing here, and you are better off far away from all of this.”
Ohio: “Trouble? What trouble?”
Bernard: “It’s not important, go to your coven, and try and call me every once in a while, or maybe write a letter, or smoke signals or something.”
Ohio: “Do you even know smoke signals?”
Bernard: “No… But I could learn?”
Ohio: “I think I’ll stick to phone calls. See ya later Bernie.”

Saying goodbye to Ohio was hard, but I know he’s just a phone call away. Texas seems perfectly content to fill the house with his children, and I am struck by just how much Alberta looks like her father.

Aria has taken to playing guitar around the house, and I find my self remembering fondly how Faith used to do the same.

The children are all thriving in school, and despite the growing prejudice against supernaturals, Ontario and Ruthven seem to be having no problems.

Soon it’s time for my boys to grow older, I can’t believe how big they’re getting.

Ruthven is getting closer to being an adult.

And Orlok is ready to start school.

While Faith and Texas are still not on the best of terms and content to ignore each other, Faith and Aria seem to get along quite well. I gather that Faith believes Aria to be a good influence on Texas.

Texas may be far from perfect, but it’s always been clear how much he loves his wife.

Soon enough it was time for their newest child to enter the world.

Just as a party for one of their other children was commencing.

It wasn’t long before baby Newfoundland joined the family.

Just in time for Nunavut’s birthday.

Much like Alberta, she’s clearly Texas’ daughter.

Quebec however has endless complaints about having to share a room with her sister.

I caught Texas coming home from work the other day… I’m still not entirely sure what he does, but he seemed to be in a good mood, something about getting close to his goal.

It was later that I noticed we had a feathered visitor to the backyard!

I had never seen a creature quite like it before, it was fascinating.

Nunavut has been reluctant to start talking, but with Aria’s help I’m sure she’ll be a chatterbox in no time.

Texas said he had some business to attend to in town. I suppose it was a few days later that I learned that the CEO of some big company resigned and was replaced with someone I’m sure I’ve seen at Texas’ parties before. I’m sure Texas is completely uninvolved with all of this.

The children have been instructing me in the art of video gaming, I must say it is rather enjoyable.

The children have also been making full use of the pool.

I had a difficult time convincing Orlok that it was time for him to go to bed.

Soon enough it was time for Aria’s birthday. She insisted that she didn’t want a party and so only the family celebrated it.

Despite their age gap, Ruthven and Orlok are actually quite close. I am reminded less and less of Vita, maybe one day I can fully put her memory to rest.

While she may have been reluctant to start talking, Nunavut has been overly eager to start walking, there have been a lot of falls and crying, but she seems to have finally managed it.

With a family as big as this one, there always seems to be a birthday on the horizon.

Ontario is already entering high school.

Unfortunately I found myself to victim of a strange occurrence.

Fortunately they were very disappointed in finding out I was a vampire and let me go immediately.

Quebec remains as grumpy as ever. The other day she tried to do a dive into the pool only to belly flop. She declared the entire thing pointless, and wants nothing more to do with swimming.

I was suddenly struck by how old they were getting when Ruthven and Ontario announced prom was coming up. I may have needed reminding on just what prom is (I still don’t entirely get the point of it), but I’m so proud that Ruthven was declared the king (However that works). Ontario seems to have become enamored with some girl he met there.

It didn’t take long for there to be more birthdays to celebrate.

I’m not entirely sure how it happened, but one of the cakes caught fire!

Texas quickly swooped in to take care of it.

It didn’t take long for the school to begin calling the house saying Alberta has been stealing things from her classmates. Alberta denies it, so I’m sure it’s all just a misunderstanding.

Newfoundland seems to have inherited Texas’ hair colour like much of his other siblings.

Now that Ontario is a teenager I have noticed some more of his alien heritage cropping up. He no longer seems to sleep, he spends his nights playing chess instead.

I was surprised when Will called me insisting that we meet, since last we spoke he said he was going to be keeping his distance, at least until my sons were older.
Will: “I know I said I wouldn’t contact you until your boys were adults, but something important has happened. Bodies have begun to turn up, Constance was horribly mutilated and was barely identifiable. Sometimes all that’s been found is an arm or a leg. I few towns over a torso turned up with all its organs removed.”

Bernard: “Why tell me all this? I’m not involved remember?”
Will: “This is getting bad Bernard, I don’t think whoever is responsible for this cares about your involvement. With most of the bodies turning up here, it’s clear that Sunset Valley is in the middle of all of this. You know I’ve been trying to figure out what was going on, and recently someone tried to kill me. Whoever’s doing this won’t care about collateral damage. I can’t tell you what to do, but I don’t think your boys are safe here anymore.”
Bernard: “If they’re not safe here, then where?”
Will: “There’s lots of places you could send them, or your could move away, but with what you told me about Vita, I’m worried that whoever’s behind this is just as interested in you as they are me. Whether you like it or not.”

I may not always get along with Will, but I trust him. If he says my boys aren’t safe here I believe him. In the end I found myself calling a vampire friendly boarding school with excellent security. Soon I will have to send my sons away.

I felt unbalanced, and not even the joy of seeing Newfoundland take his first steps seems to distract me.

It broke my heart to tell my boys that I was sending them away. I think they understood, but they were still upset about having to leave their friends.

This is for the best. They’re in too much danger here.

I was certainly melancholy for awhile, I called the boys frequently, but it wasn’t the same as having them here. At least Texas seems to be taking a proper interest in Newfoundland, coaching him through his first words.

Their family is growing even bigger as Aria announced her latest pregnancy.

Faith is beginning to get so frail, I worry she won’t have much time left with us.

Quebec refused to have a party for her birthday, claiming that she hated them anyways. I can’t help but wonder if she’s lonely, she doesn’t seem to have any friends.

Maybe things will be different as she enters high school.


Sometime during all of this, the other house, which is currently housing just Will got robbed.

The burglar took the radio and a toilet.

And like Bernard, Will also got abducted by aliens, but at least he didn’t end up with an alien baby either.

And it’s trait time, there were a lot of birthdays this post. Quebec got Grumpy for her child birthday and Adventurous for her teen birthday, Ohio became Grumpy, Ruthven got Equestrian, Orlok Vehicle Enthusiast, Ontario is now Childish, Newfoundland was born Easily Impressed and Loves the Cold, while Alberta is now Kleptomaniac. That’s all for now folks! I’m hoping to get the rest of this generation posted by the end to the month, see you next time!

SimNaNo Count

Update #1
Words: 1935
Pictures: 69